My lovely granddaughter

My lovely granddaughter

Thursday, December 23, 2010

sad but hopeful

Just finished reading Eaarth: Making a life on a Tough New Planet by Bill McKibben (Henry Holt and Company, 2010). I was practically crying reading the first half because it laid out a dire situation for our life on earth, some of which I already knew but the majority was eye-opening and cause for despair. The second half of the book suggested solutions that seemed possible if unlikely so I came away from reading this book with a renewed committment to live lightly on our beautiful earth. We live out in the country so car travel is inevitable but I can stay home more days than I go out especially if I have a pile of books. The other thing I know I can do is make the most of each trip out to get library books or groceries. I recommend this book to anyone who is concerned about the environment. This book is awesome, and it has an extensive index and list of notes.

1 comment:

  1. I have Eaarth sitting by my bedside, 1/3 read. The beginning is really tough as you say, so thanks for telling me it's worth it. Will pick it up again.
